Custom and Popular Erema Pelletizer Blades and Knives

Quality Erema Pelletizer Blades  from  a certified manufacturer

At Fernite, we manufacture high-quality Erema pelletizer blades in our certified factory. The blades can be single or double-beveled with thicknesses from 3mm to 5mm.

Our precision grinding techniques ensure a clean cut every time, and our technicians always adhere to strict international guidelines. Moreover, we use only high-grade, traceable steel and have an advanced manufacturing process that enables us to create long-lasting erema blades that maintain an effective cutting edge.

As a result, our customers receive precision-ground erema pelletizer blades that prevent tails and sprues, providing an even better experience. With many years of experience, our experts can work with you and make modifications as needed.


Erema pelletizer blades for your specific custom requirement

At Fernite, we understand that finding the right recycling solution can be challenging. That’s why we offer quality blades that can improve your pelletizer efficiency, whether you need tougher knives for specific extrusions or you’re looking to solve reliability issues.

To keep Erema blade edges sharp and precise we manufacture them mostly from M2 steel grade. However, if you require a different solution please contact us with info about your blade application.

Depending on the cutting material, pelletizer blades can have either single or double bevels. The pelletizer blade thickness varies from 3mm to 5mm upon the application.

We offer excellent lead times for bespoke pelletizer knives, which we can design and make to your precise specifications. Simply email us your drawings and requirements, and we’ll work with you to create the perfect knives for your needs.


Advice from a technical expert

Our team is dedicated to providing top-quality service and advice to assist you in finding the perfect blades for your specific application. Whether you are looking for high-quality pelletizer knives or require a specific design, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Fernite Machine Knives is known globally for providing exceptional reliability, value, and customer support.

For help, advice or to place an order for your pelletizer blades, email us at .

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